As part of the bond program, audio enhancement will be installed in most BVSD classrooms to help teachers and students hear each other better. The need for audio enhancement was identified by the Capital Improvement Planning Committee (CIPC) for inclusion in the bond master plan.
In her work, she encounters research about the meaningful impact of this technology on learning. She explains that “numerous studies have shown the benefit of classroom amplification on standardized test scores, spelling, reading fluency, phonological awareness, math skills and concept understanding, classroom behavior, attention and on task behavior, and increased classroom discussion participation.” Read more about audio enhancement research and background for additional resources.
- carries audio and video in a single cable
- has flush connector pins that do not bend or break
- has higher quality video output
After research and testing, the Bond, Ed Tech, and IT teams have concluded that the best course of action moving forward is to adjust the Employee Technology Tools schedule to coincide with the audio enhancement installations. This means that your old desktop and document camera (if you currently have one) will be replaced with a new Chromebook (or an HDMI Windows laptop for CS, Engineering and Digital Arts) and USB document camera when audio enhancement is installed.
This new setup will:
- simplify the teacher experience in connecting devices to project
- eliminate converters/dongles/splitters
- reduce setup and troubleshooting time
- add a path for future connectivity to 4K TVs
The possibilities this technology provides for all of our BVSD students will continue to enhance instruction and learning opportunities in meaningful ways as it is implemented across the district.
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